Contributing ============ *This document contains information related to developing the Druzhba application, specifically how to run unit and integration tests and the release procedure for publishing a new version of Druzha. It will be of minimal use to the average end user.* Pull Requests ------------- Unsolicited pull requests may be submitted against the ``master`` branch. Please run Isort and Black (See: ```` for commands or better yet copy the file to ``.git/hooks/`` to run them automatically) prior to opening your pull request and ensure that unit tests pass. Maintainers will run the integration test suite if appropriate. Needed Features --------------- This is a list of most requested Druzhba features: - Complete SQL Server support (currently partial support) - Support for multiple output database types - Unrecognized table names in supplied via the ``--tables`` argument should be surfaced as a warning or error - Add support to allow basic transformations from YAML configs (i.e. renaming or concatenating columns) without requiring a custom SQL table. - The table extract functionality is tied unnecessarily to the name of the table in the source database, with a fake source table name supplied for manual queries. This prevents one source table from being copied to multiple destination tables with, for example, different subsets of columns. - On the first run of a new source table, Druzhba should create the destination table even if the query against the source table returned no rows. The current behavior should be considered a bug. Testing ------- Unit Tests ^^^^^^^^^^ All major new functionality is expected to have adequate test coverage. To run unit tests locally: .. code-block:: bash python test To use Docker for testing, create a `.env.test` file based on `env.test.sample` with any environment variable overrides you wish to assign (can be empty). To run unit tests in Docker: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose run test Integration Tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To run integration tests of full pipelines in Docker, you'll need to add Redshift credentials to your environment or your `.env.test` file. This makes use of a test schema in an existing Redshift database, and for safety will fail if the schema name already exists. Then run: .. code-block:: bash source .env.test.sample source .env.test # For whatever overrides you need docker-compose up -d postgres mysql docker-compose build test docker-compose run test bash test/integration/ mysql postgres